During one of my recent writers webinar, I mentioned the importance of being cautious about giving away certain rights to your book before securing a print deal.
In the UK the Society of Authors will give detailed advice on individual publishing contracts - which as a small time agentless author I've found very useful.
I didn’t know too much about subrights before reading this (I don’t think many authors do!). A very helpful breakdown and one I will share with my writing group.
I imagine getting that call would feel amazing, Michael. I know making the call to authors to let them know their book was optioned was exciting for me.
In the UK the Society of Authors will give detailed advice on individual publishing contracts - which as a small time agentless author I've found very useful.
That sounds like a very valuable service, Ronald.
I didn’t know too much about subrights before reading this (I don’t think many authors do!). A very helpful breakdown and one I will share with my writing group.
Liz, glad it was educational.
Important info! And with TV and movie rights comes paychecks in perpetuity. As a former actor I still get checks from my appearances on Seinfeld. 😊
You were on Seinfeld, CK? That’s awesome!
One should be so lucky to have anybody interested in making your book a film. Thank you for your expertise.
I imagine getting that call would feel amazing, Michael. I know making the call to authors to let them know their book was optioned was exciting for me.
hey this looks good Renee. However, as an unpublished novelist, where you see trouble, I see $$ : )
Not sure what you mean, Richard.
Thank you Rene. Your knowlege is priceless.
Thank you, Brian. That’s so nice of you to say.